Friday, August 20, 2010

Open Your Mind

When you have an open mind you allow yourself to attract opportunities and you insist on following up on opportunities - no matter how trivial they seem. Keeping an open mind means that you are open to all possibilities. This means that you don't say - "Oh that's not for me. There can't be anything good in that." Or "Why would I want to do that? That's not what I was looking for." Or "I won't even consider that." Hey - let's remember one important factor - you don't know everything - and you don't always know what will or won't work out for you. If you never try something you'll never know what whether you like it or if it will work out for you - and thus you can't say if it is right for you or not before even exploring the opportunity further.

Now I'm not talking about trying everything under the sun - but when you work with the power of your mind and subconscious mind as I outline in my Creating Power course - you begin to attract new opportunities. On the surface some of these opportunities may not seem like what you want but the only way to truly find out is to take a closer look and examine them.

Here's an example. Years ago when I was embarking on my Journalism career I was offered a job as an intern at CBC Radio in Toronto. I was between semesters at NYU and had to come up with enough money to pay for my next semester's tuition - not to mention the debt I had incurred from the first semester. The job didn't pay much and I had another offer from another station - but it didn't start for a few weeks. I decided to explore the opportunity with the station that offered the internship - while it didn't pay much - it offered a tremendous experience. My second day as an intern one of the network's correspondents had a heart attack and would be out for a few months. At the same time there was a breaking story in Toronto and they didn't have a reporter to cover it. My boss sent me - and in the process launched my career as a Reporter. They bumped me to full Reporter status within a week and suddenly I was making the money I needed to pay the next semester's tuition.

A couple of things were in play before all this happened. I had worked with the powers of my mind and subconscious mind as I outline in my course. I recognized that I had asked for something and my subconscious had brought the opportunity - now I had to follow up and explore both opportunities, which I did. I used the very same techniques I outline to make the right decision and thus was able to capitalize on the opportunity - that's why things worked out.

Had I not followed up on the opportunities presented, had I instead been stubborn and insist on getting a high paying job to only pay for my tuition I would have never reaped the rewards of the opportunities presented. By keeping an open mind I was able to try something different, while working with the power of my mind and subconscious to make the right decision.

I know some of you may say "Karim I need the job now I have to pay the bills and what I'm getting isn't what I need." You don't know where these opportunities will take you. Some of them will work and some of them won't be right - but you won't know if you don't keep and open mind and try something or at least look into it further. Don't ever assume that you know how thing are going to turn out - you don't. When you work with the power of your mind and subconscious mind - you'll also be able to make the right decision. Part of keeping an open mind is to understand that something may be right and sometimes something may be wrong - while fully understanding and accepting that you will make the right decision.

When you work with the power of your mind and subconscious mind you will attract opportunities. The Creating Power system shows you how to do utilize the amazing powers of your mind and subconscious mind so that you attract opportunities and make the right decisions. This is what allows you to create the life you want while eliminating negative and unwanted situations.

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